The Ultimate Guide to Creative Multimedia Programming- [All the insider info you'll ever need to know about this course]

Secret Insider Info On The Creative Multimedia Programming HDip

12 Awesome Reasons To Do This Course - The Subjects

1 Learn Javascript and the logic of coding with Web Programming

This subject in the first semester goes into Javascript and basic programming concepts like for loops, while and if else. It helps gain an understanding of the logic inherant in all programming languages. Several lab based practicals help the student get to grip with the concepts involved. A end of semester project puts the skills used into practice in a website.

2 Build websites using HTML and CSS in Web Development

In web development you learn all about HTML, CSS, forms and the design of webpages. You get an overview of the different HTML elements and how these can be made fancy with the magic of CSS. You get to keep on top of the new topics by completing weekly practicals in the lab. There are two big projects; you must redesign your timetable and make it fancy. The latter project involves making a whole website about whatever you like.

3 Develop your design skills with some creative projects in Interaction Design

There's no point building websites if they're ugly and worse, annoying to navigate. In this subject the science of not making your users think is explored and you get to delve into the fun stuff of Illustrator and Photoshop. Some graphic design comes into play here which is a nice break from coding.

4 Be a director, producer, and a star for Multimedia Digital Video

Prepare to direct, produce and edit your very own production! This module has you work in teams to produce several short digital films. In-class lectures teach all about camera angles, the rule of thirds, composition and framing, camera settings and more. It's a really fun subject and a good opportunity to get to know your classmates. Three separate films are required before Christmas. If you know any non-camera shy friends, they'll come in handy. The college supplies brand new Canon SLR cameras and sturdy proper tripods.

5 Learn about a booming 3D industry and how to model 3d objects, animation and more in 3D Graphics

This subject is truly massive (quite like all the others) but you really get a sense of the huge possibilities of this area. You get free access to 3DS Max software and are taken through the interface learning where everything is. You learn how to model objects, manipulating and adding textures and lighting to make a realistic scene. It's a bit like being back in playschool with some play dough but decidedly more complicated. It's exciting what you can create and though confusing at times, it's a very satisfying subject. However, a simple banana will never appear the same after this. You were warned.

6 Every website needs a database as its backbone. Learn how this is designed and implemented in Multimedia Database Systems and Design

It's all about tables. And it all depends. There's sql and my php. Normalisation is nothing to do with you trying to get with the in crowd. Again, a huge area in itself but essential knowledge for web development and knowlege needed for full stack developers. You really come to understand the layered structure of the web as a whole. There's a lot going on.


7 Put all your logic learning to use and get to grips with more programming languages in Advanced Web Programming

Goodbye Javascript, hellp PHP. It's a new term, a new scripting language. This one is not too bad as you already know the logic from the previous term but it still takes a good bit of puzzling and concentration. Advice: use the free subscription to and do a course early on. There is a lot to learn and you'll need this knowledge to plug your websites into the database using a framework. CodeIgniter is the one we used.

8 Explore new web technologies and how to get ahead of the curve with Emerging Web Technologies

More web design but this term you learn about how to make your pages responsive. In a world where nearly everyone has a smartphone, a website that works for this size screen is a must so you'll spend a lot of time learning about CSS Grids and Flexbox and will likely develop an obsession with squashing various webpages you come across to see how well they transform. You'll also get to look into various different emerging and exciting technologies. There will also be a project on search engine optimisation and you'll get to produce your very own website on Creative Multimedia Programming.

9 Go through the whole research and design process of an App for Interactive Interface Design

This semester you'll research, design and develop through to prototype a mobile App. You'll learn a lot about how to find out what your users needs are and will carry out enlightening research into how people actually interact with systems. You use the findings from this to implement good UX and UI design. You'll use applications such as Balsamiq and Axure to create your prototypes.

10 Put all of your amazing skills to use in one big Multimedia Project

This is a largely self-directed project of your choosing. You will generally get to pick from a few creative briefs but there are opportunities for developing something outside of this. You can work as a group or individually. Many create interactive websites. This takes up the whole term and you need to balance the deliverables for all the other projects at the same time so it can get rather hectic.

11 Learn the theory behing multimedia to design better with Human Coginition and Communication

This goes into the theory behind how people use multimedia systems to communicate and perform tasks and how we can best design given the many factors involved. There are a series of interesting practicals, many carried out in class where you explore various different topics. There is then an exam at the end.

12 Get out into the industry and take the first steps towards your future career with a Three month work placement

A great opportunity to get yourself in the door of an area you would love to work in and gain some valuable experience. This spans 12 weeks over the summer months.